Precision Series® Standard Ironers
Precision Series® Standard Ironers
- Braun’s standard line of ironers are available in steam or thermal fluid models in a variety of configurations and can be ordered in 120″ or 130″ working widths, 32″ or 48″ diameter rolls.
- Braun manufactures Precision Series® Ironers with deep chest heating and large diameter rolls to apply a superb flatwork finish.
- Braun’s Deep Chest Ironer’s durability and reliability is superior over Flex Chest Ironers. Our chests are tested to 353 psi hydrostatically and ASME stamped and certified. If a piece of metal should go through the ironer and gouge the chest, Braun’s chest can be buffed out. If this same damage situation should occur in a thin walled/flex chest ironer, the chest must be replaced. Replacement is the only alternative and none can handle the ASME testing. This is important to consider as you evaluate the best use of your capital.